Navigators Visa Global Logistics is a leading logistics company in India, providing end-to-end logistics services to customers across industries. They approached Blue9 Technologies to create a client-end portal that would not only showcase their services but also serve as a platform to manage their backend operations.
Navigators Visa Global Logistics faced several challenges in managing their operations, including difficulty in tracking and managing customer orders, lack of real-time visibility into inventory and shipment tracking, and poor communication with customers.
Blue9 Technologies developed a custom client end portal for Navigators Visa Global Logistics that integrated with their backend operations, providing real-time tracking of orders, inventory, and shipment status. The website also included a user-friendly interface that allowed customers to book and track their shipments, receive notifications, and access billing and payment information. Additionally, Blue9 provided quality assurance services to ensure that services are running smoothly and reliably, and secure.
Blue9 Technologies provided Navigators Visa Global Logistics with a seamless platform to manage their backend operations and provide a better user experience to their customers. With real-time visibility into orders, inventory, and shipments, Navigators Visa Global Logistics was able to improve their operational efficiency and provide timely and accurate information to customers. The innovative user interface also helped them to stand out in a competitive industry.